Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How Does Appendicitis Feel Can You Have Appendicitis Even If You Dont Feel Sick , You Just Have Stomach Pains? PLEASE Read Details!?

Can you have appendicitis even if you dont feel sick , you just have stomach pains? PLEASE read details!? - how does appendicitis feel

So 3 days ago, my father and I went to a restraint to eat the hamburger. approximately 15 minutes after eating, I began to feel stomach pains. The next day I felt sick with some stomach pain, and showed an increase of 4 times very violent, I do not think throwing a lot of material, he touched it hurts. and the next day I was more or less the same, except that I vomited. Yesterday, I began to fear that this could be appendicitis, I had pain in the right pane of the main reason. I also had a mild fever and anorexia. Today I felt better, is easier to walk and move, and I was able to eat certain things. So here are my questions - first, if I get an attack of appendicitis, I start feeling better than I, or just the situation? Secondly, my abdominal pain and are not# 039; t very serious, that hurt, but not in a terrible degree - How strong is the pain of appendicitis? And thirdly, my main question, it might be worth just sick, not appendicitis? I do not feel sick at all?


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