Sunday, January 24, 2010

Computer Does Not Recognize Microdrive What Does A Computer Operating System Do When It Shuts Down?

What does a computer operating system do when it shuts down? - computer does not recognize microdrive

Can someone tell me what operating system the computer (like Windows Vista) when it goes? Sometimes my computer hangs on shutdown and I need to eliminate physical. What potential damage could I do that?


Josh X said...

In essence, it saves your settings and preferences (so if you are the icons on the desktop and start to move suddenly, he does not remember their consent. Here ends all processes. It includes all the models may have problems with your Open the browser. Close all services. Then write a few sectors on the disk and power downwards. Accordingly, in the old days that would have stopped abruptly when chkdsk32. but with NTFS (Vista, XP system files do not care) how to use the reset button, 99.9% of the time restart when he says .... disconnect and it freezes, it will be ok. Operating system does not want to shut down rather after installing a number programs is a strange phenomenon, but caused no damage. I always reboot with the reset button, and I never had a problem.

Martin D. Duenas said...

When you stop an operating system that is essentially two things.

Recording settings (recording of all activities during the closure. If you know when you shut down.)

and the preparation of the work to stop (preparing the software to stop it, and prepare the material and cut the flow of energy ... etc. ...

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