Saturday, January 30, 2010

How To Get The Smell Out Of Leather Watch How Can You Remove The "bad Smell" From Your Leather Watch You Have Used For A Long Time?

How can you remove the "bad smell" from your leather watch you have used for a long time? - how to get the smell out of leather watch

I went to see the leather and my problem is due to be used for years .. Not describe the feeling as good as leather to really sweat smell + = eecky .. I must admit I am a man who sweat a lot ... I live in a tropical country, so that I could not imagine it is very hot and humid here ..


Biocidal Fool said...

1. Flush with sulfuric acid.
2. Dunk + hydrochloric acid mixture of bleaching agent.
3. Wash with soap and hot water.
Dealing with the smell of leather. No guarantee of work still to do.

few weeks left!! said...

get a new group

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