Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Cancer Medicine Do You Think Natural Medicine Can Cure Cancer?

Do you think natural medicine can cure cancer? - new cancer medicine

A few people I know, from Mexico to the types of natural medicine and naturopathy both tried the first time I had cancer, and it helped a little, but now, at least for one (I do not know about the others) is even Worse for them to know, and it is connected to the terminal, which applies in medicine. Do you think that there is a possibility that they might survive and the other boy? Please pray for them both. Thank you!


Zambiti said...

Yes, I think he can, but depends on the person and cancer. Cancer Treatment Centers of America use of natural and allopathic medicines for cancer. I know a healer who works with doctors and successful treatment of cancer of the closure of the Great Nealy 100%. We spend a part of cancer treatment in Mexico for my cousin in Canada, and he heals. Each case is different, and the best way is to treat people with respect and cancer patients and does not limit treatment options.

sapphire... said...

The problem with other therapies to treat cancer, and they know that the method is not generally sufficient.
They should cut all the bad food, taking antioxidants, you will get your pH balanced and detoxed your system.

Only a fraction of what to do
Co Q10, shark cartilage or bovine Essaic, talus,
Green tea, vitamin C, E, zinc, selenium,
Eating fruits and vegetables, dried apricots, pumpkin seeds,

I believe that Mexico has dried apricots, but I'm not sure what else.

http://www.mnwelldir.org/docs/cancer1/al ...

mr.answe... said...

This is a simple answer, can not cure you, you can not free a person or cancer. This allows a person to die from their cancer, if you call it a cure.

toodd said...

There is no cure, but only for the prevention or treatment of certain tumors, if not too late. The Chinese monks have found the answer for the treatment of tumors to 100AD in his writings. Consumption The difference is that many of them eat or drink every day, but not Geting not billions of cancer cells and then found the treatment. It might be easier to destroy certain diseased cells from the beginning. The Old Mushrooms, laetrile, fresh milk) (tumor of the skin, the snake, bones, etc., to some tumors in 2000. Even his best herbs like Tian Xian Aday today can not heal if it is too late.

Shitake, Maitake in http://www.mushroomcompany.com/farms/ind ...
Ebid.net Coriolus versicolor
Milk HMBANA http://www.hmbana.org/index.php?mode=loc ...

The absorption is better on an empty stomach.

Susan Yarrawonga said...

Some zoologists believe they can cure cancer, as far as I know, however, that the treatment is very long, and the improvement is a gradual process.

~~mary... said...

my son had bone cancer and I am haveing the natural healing, but left to the experts (the doctor) to care for my son. Despite the loss of his leg, but he is cancer free. I'm glad that I had made the right decision, otherwise he would not have my son with me now. We keep in our prayers.

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